New Great Awakening Video

Last Friday I sent in a prayer request that I could be an effective Christian in my class at USF, because I’m the only one who seems to represent Jesus Christ. Well, today, I did my oral presentation expounding on God and jihad on Jews, Christians, and Muslims; also, exploring the “separation of church and state.” I was the last one the give my presentation for the day. And just before me, the others had been trashing Christianity, as though we’re all hypocrites and that we all hate gays. ( The girl before me concluded that all religion should be done away with. So I got up, handed my outline and list of sources to the professor, walked back up to the front and started with a humble, quiet, little prayer. I praised God for Who He is, and I thanked Him for bringing us all safely to school, today, and for the privilege we have of coming to school to receive an education. Then I asked Him to bless us all and to keep us all safe from evil and from harm, in Jesus’ name. Nobody said a word. I had various articles laid across the table, as well as a Koran and the Holy Bible. Nobody protested. I let them know when these subjects came up, that we believe in the Holy Trinity; that a crusade is a remedial act, and that “Gospel” means “good news”.

Then I went on to say what that good news is! I explained that “separation of church and state” has been freely intermingled with the 1st Amendment, but that Congress can’t prohibit our free exercise thereof; that, under the facade of “civil liberties”, our Christian liberties are being systemically eliminated, and the instigator is the ACLU. I said these things keeping in mind that, this may be the only time they’ll ever hear what Jesus Christ is all about. The only thing I messed up on was after it was over. The professor said, “Then what is the truth?” And I could have said, “It’s right there on the table in my Bible.” Or I could have said what Jesus said, that He is the wsy, the truth, and the life.” Thank you very much for praying for me!