New Great Awakening Video

I led five people to the Lord. I prayed for the uncle of a relative. I prayed with one guy and the anointing hit both of us.

First of all I just want to thank you with all of my heart for allowing God to touch me and all of the other countless people who have been touched by the fire from heaven. I watch the Chronicle of Revival every single day sometimes when I have a day off I watch for hours and hours sometimes up to 6 hours at a time, and every time the anointing is fresh, you have stirred in my heart a hunger to see people everywhere I go to be touched by the fire of heaven. I am so thankful for Revival Ministries International it has blessed my life in so many ways, thank you. I wasn’t going to write this but I felt impressed by the Holy Ghost to write this, about 3 months ago I had a dream and in this dream I saw Pastor Rodney and he was on TRL (This is a television show on MTV) and he was standing there by the host of the show and the host was asking Pastor Rodney questions and as he was asking questions the fire of God fell on all of the people in the room in a very powerful way, it seemed so powerful that it was almost strange, but in a good way, the only way I know how to explain it is it was like people were sitting there and then all of a sudden the people began to feel as if the very atmosphere was changing, many were not even expecting but suddenly the anointing of God was so heavy that many didn’t know if they were in a dream or if this was really happening.

When this happened in the room the glory of God seemed to flood out of the room onto the street of downtown New York and there was thousands of people, many of them were holding signs and as they stood there it was much like I have always imagined the first outpouring in Acts 2, The very wind of heaven blew through the people (and it make a loud noise), many fell upon their faces others were crying, some were laughing, but most were crying and shaking on the ground, after this I noticed that I was looking through a T.V. screen and as I was watching the same thing that was taking place in down town New York was happening to every person who was watching MTV, people in their homes were shaking under the convicting power of God, many young people with the darkness of hell upon them were being hit with the glory from heaven, but it wasn’t a manifestation of joy for most, but it was more of a powerful convicting force of God that cause most who were watching to begin weeping uncontrollably and to cry out.

After this I was back in the room with Pastor Rodney were and they were asking him questions and many in the room were laughing and lying on the floor under the power of God many of these people were in their teens. Im not really sure what all of it means, and I wasn’t going to share this dream because I thought, O Rodney Howard Browne, he’s probably really busy and im sure he gets stuff like this all the time and he may not even read this, but I felt led of the Holy Spirit to share what God showed me, God has given me dreams for other people and I have shared them and they meant something, and I believe that God has given me this dream for a purpose, even though I don’t understand fully what it is (but I guess thats how God works sometimes).

David W
Not known Florida United States

New Great Awakening Video

John W said he believed in Bhudda, but the Lord Jesus saved him. Joseph B said he was a Muslim and he goes to the Muslim temple. He got saved wonderfully. He will never again say “I am Muslim”; he is a child of God. A lady named Kelly C. She was an Iraqi American in the army. She came home and got saved.

We watch you on God tv from Sweden. I am originally from Florida and my husband is from Sweden. We are moving to Lake Placid Florida in September. We plan to attend your services. We are in a band called “Dark Valentine”, rock, black metal, gothic. We are Christians and know that we have a calling on our lives…to save the lost, lay hands on the sick, cast out demons and raise the dead. We thank you for the Fire of God and the anointing of the Holy Spirit that we feel as we have watched every night of the camp meeting. Thank you for doing what you do for the Kingdom of God. On a personal note…my tubes are tied and we are claiming our baby even though it is not possible. God can do all things. We appreciate any prayer that you can send our way. We look forward to meeting you. We want God’s perfect will for our lives and we are open to whatever He has for us and we know He will direct our paths. We are newlyweds by the way! Now may The Holy Spirit move in a mighty way in and through you in Jesus name and may God bless you.

Not Known
Not known Hawaii United States

New Great Awakening Video

I first came to the river for a holy spirit weekend last November, then i came to the winter camp meeting where i attended every service, had very little sleep and had a bit of a rollercoaster ride, up one minute and down the next, in short it was both a wonderful and a painful experience. I then returned for 7 services of the summer camp meeting. I could only make seven of the services because i was on holiday with three others and they had other plans and there was only one car and also we were situated in a four bedroom villa in new port Richey.(new port richey is crying for a touch of God) Anyway to get to my point,to my astonishment when i attended the summer camp meeting i was completely changed inside, God has done an astonishing work in me that i think may have changed my life forever. I work in a small ministry serving God helping the homeless, drug addicted, alcoholics and girls caught up in prostitution and we are seeing signs wonders and miracles and many asking Jesus to be their Lord and Savior. Since my first visit to the river last November we have witnessed a big increase in what God is doing and i give Him praise and every last drop of the glory for He is so worthy to be praised. I would also like to thank pastors rodney and adonica on a personal level their words and teachings have created a hunger for God inside my heart that has increased my desire to serve Jesus and play my own small part in helping to reap the harvest. I thank God and i thank everybody at the river because i have been blessed by you all. warmly in Christ Jesus our Lord. THANKYOU.

New Great Awakening Video


My testimony is that in February of this year, I was watching Pastor Rodney on one of the Chronicle Revival Videos, and I was touched by The Holy Spirit in my mouth. It was electrifying!!! My teeth tingled, my lips went numb, and my whole mouth was numb and tingly feeling. Then today, while reading the mini-booklet, the same thing happened. Only this time, it was STRONGER!!!! I hope and pray that the next time The Holy Spirit decideds to touch me, it won’t be so private. God Bless…Love Always, Brother Dan Samson. Coos Bay, Oregon. Home of the Beavers!

Today was my 1st time out witnessing. I was on Eric’s team and we went to the projects on Bexar Street in Dallas. My goal was 10. I didn’t have much time because I had to leave early for an appt. When it was time for me to leave, I looked at my card and nine people had prayed the prayer of salvation. I could tell you about each one of the nine people who accepted Jesus (the little boy, two young men, two young ladies, two distraught teenage boys, a middle-aged man and a young woman preparing for the RIP party for her deceased brother who died 1 year ago today) but as I drove away from the projects I knew there was another person I was supposed to talk to. As I rounded the corner to pick up my 12-old son from a week at Scout camp, the Holy Spirit nudged me to make sure my son was saved. When we returned home, I asked if he knew for certain he was going to heaven.

I was expecting he’d answer correctly, after all, he’s recited the sinners prayer at my leading before, we go to church, and he’s in children’s choir. To my sorrow he replied, “no one can be sure they’re going to heaven, you never know if you’ve been good enough”. Blinking back tears, I read the message and asked if he’d like accept Jesus and be certain of his eternal destiny. He said yes, and prayed the prayer of salvation. We talked about it later and I realized I need to daily share the goodness of God with him and fan the flames of fire that were lit in his heart today. Thank you for teaching me this simple method to share Jesus with others. Thank you for a week of refreshing and encouragement. The nightly testimonies blew away fear. My goal would have seemed impossible last week but I could settle for nothing less today.

Coos Bay Oregon United States

New Great Awakening Video

Last Friday I sent in a prayer request that I could be an effective Christian in my class at USF, because I’m the only one who seems to represent Jesus Christ. Well, today, I did my oral presentation expounding on God and jihad on Jews, Christians, and Muslims; also, exploring the “separation of church and state.” I was the last one the give my presentation for the day. And just before me, the others had been trashing Christianity, as though we’re all hypocrites and that we all hate gays. ( The girl before me concluded that all religion should be done away with. So I got up, handed my outline and list of sources to the professor, walked back up to the front and started with a humble, quiet, little prayer. I praised God for Who He is, and I thanked Him for bringing us all safely to school, today, and for the privilege we have of coming to school to receive an education. Then I asked Him to bless us all and to keep us all safe from evil and from harm, in Jesus’ name. Nobody said a word. I had various articles laid across the table, as well as a Koran and the Holy Bible. Nobody protested. I let them know when these subjects came up, that we believe in the Holy Trinity; that a crusade is a remedial act, and that “Gospel” means “good news”.

Then I went on to say what that good news is! I explained that “separation of church and state” has been freely intermingled with the 1st Amendment, but that Congress can’t prohibit our free exercise thereof; that, under the facade of “civil liberties”, our Christian liberties are being systemically eliminated, and the instigator is the ACLU. I said these things keeping in mind that, this may be the only time they’ll ever hear what Jesus Christ is all about. The only thing I messed up on was after it was over. The professor said, “Then what is the truth?” And I could have said, “It’s right there on the table in my Bible.” Or I could have said what Jesus said, that He is the wsy, the truth, and the life.” Thank you very much for praying for me!

New Great Awakening Video

I asked for God’s favor in getting a mate and i was praying and waiting on the LORD. I sent in a prayer request in this regard that God will locate me with the right person as i have not dated anyone in 12 years and by the grace of God have lived celibate. I found love with a Christian lady who is Spirit filled and have kept herself for marriage. We have been seeing each other a couple of months now and are planning on getting married as soon as we can afford it, as we are both full time students. Just want to thank God for his mercies and also that He who has begun a good work in our lives will perfect it. God bless you Dr Howard and Adonica brown, your ministry is an inspiration to the body of Christ.

I went to the nursing home outreach in the morning. there was a 90+ year old man who was suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. so he was very nervous and was a little afraid as well. I told him i was there to pray with him and realized that he couldn’t speak. so i took him by the hand and told him to squeeze once if he was born again or twice if he was not saved. so he squeezed twice so i asked him if he wanted to know Jesus. He squeezed again. So I told him to repeat this prayer after me but in his heart as i say it out loud. So I led him to Christ all the while he was squeezing my hand to let me know that he had been repeating the prayer with me!

New Great Awakening Video

Dear Revival Ministries International, I have been in Pastor Rodney’s services for my entire life and those of his brother’s when I was very young. I am now 16 years old. My parents are music ministers at a local church. They actually led worship at Calvary Cathedral for 9 years. So I am not scared of the anointing or how it effects people, but it was not until this past week during the Great Awakening Tour in Fort Worth that I have been in a place being touched and consumed by God that I could not gain any control even if I wanted to. It was more than my body could handle. All I could do was sit there and experience joy bubbling out of my belly and a thickness around me. I had decided to not go out soul winning because I was so scared and I made up excuses in my mind and tried to believe them. But God. I was praying during the day Tuesday, the day the GAT services were to begin, and I was miserable because God was telling me to go to the nursing homes. To get rid of the horrible feeling I said yes to God and told Him that I would go but He would have to equip me.

Immediately a blanket of peace draped over me and never left, even the next morning when I was walking into my first room in a nursing home. That is a miracle!!!! God filled me with a compassion for those in the nursing homes and I was hooked. I ended up going to the homes Wednesday through Saturday and was honored to lead 41 people to the Lord!!! Some had been hurt in church while others had given up thinking that their sin was too great. During the final service Pastor Rodney called for the kids to pray for and many of the youth, including me, lined up anyway because we were so hungry, even though we weren’t young children. When Pastor Rodney came by me he placed his hand on my head and said fire and began to move to the next person, but before he did he said “that’s it.” I knew it was God touching and consuming me. God called me into the ministry that night. I can’t express my gratitude to this ministry for obeying God. Because of you guys, I am God’s like never before. It’s a whole new level.

New Great Awakening Video

God spoke to me at one of the meetings while I was lined up to have hands laid on me; He told me that He was about to do something big through me, so big that I would not believe Him if He told me. He said I would have to trust Him and that He would reveal things to me on a “need to know basis.” After many years of trusting Him, studying His Word, trials, and worship, God finally called on me to write a book. Although he told me I would write a book in 2000 or so, He did not permit me to write it until He taught me some things. I focused on obedience, and I went through some tests and trials; finally, in 2005, I wrote most of the book. I waited on God’s timing to get it published, and it is now available.

I sent you a copy; it’s called “Sinner To Saint: God Has A Plan!,” or “Sinner To Saint” for short, and it is available at Barnes& and as well as the Christian order magazine. The testimony is that God said I would do something BIG about 10 years ago, then He told me it was to write a book over 6 years ago, then He had me to write it over 2 years ago, and now it has been published this last April 2007 and became available this last June 2007. God makes a way there seems to be no way!!! The bottom line is this: If God says to do something, I believe I can do it and that He will make a way; I just have to trust Him and obey! Thank you for all of your inspiration! I look forward to the Great Awakening! God put the word “REVOLUTION” in my spirit about 2 years ago; He said that the next move of God would not be revival as usual- it would be a revolution, especially among our young people. There will be radical changes, and the religious folks of the day will most likely be somewhat offended because it will not be “traditional.” I am so ready and welcome the move of God, however nontraditional it will be!!! God bless you, Rodney and all those involved in the prayer army!!! Love,

Watch this and see how the teachings of Christ can save souls

Watch this short clip and see how Christ’s love can save souls.

I am an Evangelist and I had the opportunity to sit in your Houston, TX services as the first stop of the Great Awakening Revival. The anointing that God poured out on my life each night I attended has kept a revival in my spirit ever since…In February and March we began a Revival in Burleson, TX just south of Forth Worth and had over 40 people saved and 20plus were baptized and filled with the spirit. then in April I ministered a 60 day Tent Revival in Alvin, TX and we had miracles, signs and wonders every night…We had broken feet healed, diabetes healed, sciatica healed, chest pains disappeared, broken backs and back pain healed, tooth aches and ear aches healed, demonic spirits were cast out of several people, depression and bi-polar healed, over 100 people rededicated their lives and over 40 new salvations.

The Holy Ghost told me that every night I was to stand as the prophet Elijah and call the fire down. I did just that and every night we had miracles take place….now up in Colorado we have Revival in the Mountains getting ready to break loose…..Praise God. I thank The Lord for You Pastor Rodney your obedience and willingness to fulfill what God has planned. I know many times I just pray ok GOD its up to you make it happen and find out that the more I let God Be God then the more he can do with out me getting in his way…My new Expectation is for God to move by his spirit in every service and I am amazed when a miracle does not happen because I now live in expectation of it in all things and at all times..

New Great Awakening Video

God Bless America!!!!! Hello Dr. Rodney, I Have to start off by saying that our Lord God is almighty in many ways. My name is Johan Mackay form Kenner, Louisiana. I now live in Lafayette with my beautiful wife Tennille. We are both warriors of God. I am also in the Louisiana army national guard . I have been serving proudly for the last 5 years. I have to say that through my tour in Iraq , God spared me through many times and I cant thank him enough for his angels surrounding me. This weekend was a cleanse I have never experienced before in my life. The joy of the Holy Spirit is unexplainable but very believable. I have never laughed and sensed the holy spirit, they way i did Friday. I have been listening and watching your awakenings since i have been home from my tour which ended in 2006.

I promised myself that i would go to your tour, if you ever came down to Louisiana. I have been so determined like never before to go and see your tour. Im glad i did and i wouldn’t trade it in for NOTHING!!!! I never thought i would be the one ,but the next day i was so pumped up with the peace and joy of the holy spirit , that got the chance to lead my grandmother, Olga Sanchez ,to the Lord. I couldn’t believe it after it was done. She actually excepted Jesus in her heart. Praise the Lord. You know how some elder people can be…haha!! My mother has been trying for so long and I guess God wanted me to do it. The Lord is great .. I love Jesus!!!!!!!I’m Just glad to be apart of the most important army…..the Army of God!!!!! My wife and i thank you very much for your leadership and influence on our lives…..

Rodney Howard Browne bringing Revival to America

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