Edisandra C. Testimony

I prayed that I would get accepted to the school because I wanted that fire, that passion for the lost. Ever since the first day of school I went in expecting a touch from the lord. P.Maldonado came to visit our church the week of revival week and I got touched like I never have before I cried from the inside for the Lord to touch my heart to change me I wanna see people like I never seen them before I wanna walk by my brothers and sisters and not be able to walk away without telling them “YOU KNOW THAT GOD LOVES YOU and HAS A WONDERFUL PLAN FOR YOUR LIFE”.Then, the day that the bible students filled the alter with their most prize possesions without holding anything back from the lord. It showed me that our treasures are in heaven we are followers of the Lord and we cant hold nothing back from him we have to trust him in everything. The next day I beleive P.Adonica preached. She prayed for everyone and all I remember is this peace coming upon me that I can’t even explain it …

Super soul winning saturday was that very next day.. I was so excited to go out .. 18 people recieved the lord as their savior ,but ,when I go to knock on another door a lady opens the door ,, sweet lady ,, she listened to what I had to say but when I was going to pray with her she stopped me and said I have my sin in my hand right now (she was holding Crack , Cocaine ) I Told that lady how God loves her . I told her ,”grab my hand lets pray” I prayed for her and while she had her eyes closed and grabbing on to my hand as tight as she could, she repeated after me the Soul Winning Script. We all have freedom in us and by the way she held my hand and repeated the prayer after me to accept Christ in her heart , I beleive that she felt that freedom in her ! We are all free because Jesus payed the price on Calvary we dont have to be bound by sin , destruction , hate , sadness nor depression because he paid the price so we can be free . The lord was pouring into me so I can pour out to my brothers and sisters. Its only been 3 weeks and so much has happened already I cant wait to see what the lord has next for me………Edisandra C.

God compared his love to a mother. Verse 15 reads, and this is God talking, responding, “Can a mother forget the baby at her breast?”

Kait T. Testimony

It’s unbelievable, I love it!! I can’t help but anticipate more of His goodness and all He has for me this year at RBI. I am privileged and blessed. I wasn’t thrown up on the shelf and put there to do nothing. No!! He never lets me go, so where He goes, I go. I was made to GO!!! He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. (Mark 16:15) So, my pursuit is to be led and used by Him. I don’t want just a day more, or a week more, NO! More is my eternal life; more is my existence here on earth. More is my heart.

The kingdom of Heaven is near. I don’t want to think that God does great, I want to know, I want to taste, I want to see. I want to live it out. It’s Him burning in my heart, and giving me a desperation I can’t shake, or run from for it is a love I can’t imagine my life without. This has brought me to a place of seeking after His word and the secret place, such deep intimacy with my Creator and my King, My Abba, Daddy. I want to hear and know His voice, without question. And can’t wait to be taught, and built up into the mighty women of God He has called me to be……Kait T.

God’s saying it defies the basic nature of a mom. A mom is loyal. A mom wouldn’t think about deserting her baby and when we hear about this occurring, it makes the local, and many times, the national news – about a woman who leaves her child in the parking lot of a shopping mall or in an alleyway, and it shocks us into reality.

Jody A. Testimony

Before these RBI/RSW Revival meetings, it was as though I could see and hear everything around me as one in a coma; however, I was unable, restricted, barred in my ability to engage — even as an Ordained Minister of the Gospel.  Lassoed by religion and tradition, and gagged by knowledge, I knew I was dying…

I awoke from the coma I was in during the RBI/RSW Revival week’s first Tuesday morning meeting on August 22, after GOD ordered a delicate life-saving surgery where the knife of man could not even touch but only executed through the Holy Ghost and the Word of GOD, delivered through all of the Ministers during these meetings.

Throughout each subsequent RBI/RSW Revival meeting, I understood something new was taking place in and upon me – it was FRESH FIRE and NEW WINE!  Sitting in these Revival meetings, to the saturation point, my old wineskin burst forth because of all the new wine pouring in through 34 continuous services I attended during the Revival for students.  Each Minister had something unique and pertinent to my deepest need to not only undergo the heart surgery, but recover, attend specialized rehab, then get back in the race.  The Lord spoke to my heart asking me if I perceived He was doing a new thing in me, and as I responded to His love and to His drawing me close, I felt compelled to register for the River School of Worship.

Pursuing the deep sweet fellowship with the Lord through worship, like I once enjoyed, and actually stepping forward into fulfilling one of the deepest desires of my heart, just to focus on Him, is making me happy beyond my ability to imagine it.  I am being changed from glory to glory as I remain seated with Christ in Heavenly Places, living in that secret place of deep intimacy – total dependence upon Jesus Christ – who is, who was, who forever and always is my BREAKTHROUGH…..Jody A.

But God says “What are the odds of a sinful, earthly mom deserting her child? Of not feeding her child? Almost zero, God says.

John H. Testimony

Many exciting things have been taking place. We had a guest here this week by the name of Dr. RE Anderson who had been preaching up a storm, giving us doctrinal truths that the Lord has revealed to him over the years. He taught us some amazing things! One was when the disciples were truly saved. Many think that it took place in Acts 2 in the upper room, but he says it there is scriptural evidence to prove that it took place in the book of John when the disciples confessed Jesus as Lord and He breathed upon them to receive the Holy Ghost. What an amazing teaching?! Something that was right there in my face all the time; it took him to bring revelation to me.

I had the privilege during this week to meet many awesome men and women of God from all over the world.; Pastors, Evangelists, and other leaders in the Body of Christ. It is amazing to see men and women of such stature, humble themselves and come and go out on the streets and be trained by people of “less qualifications”. This is truly a Great Awakening. The hearts of men are coming alive to the heart of God. No matter how great or low a person is in authority, everyone is coming together for one cause , to see souls come to Jesus, and see the Kingdom of God advance. This is where we belong because this is where the words of Jesus are being practiced! -John H

And God says a mother’s love, the world’s greatest mother’s love is just a shadow of my love to you because God goes on in verse 15 and he says, “Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne?” God says, “I’m gonna teach you a lesson about love”.

Nancy S. Testimony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

During the Great Awakening Meetings, On Tuesday I was on the prayer phone. Their were people calling and said that they have been praying for their families and friends for a long time. They made copies of the Gospel Script and led their family and friends to the Lord. This week I was at the gas station and led a young man to the Lord. He asked me What are you doing outside so late? I told him telling people about Jesus.

He said Are you for real? I said Yes. I gave him the Gospel Script and he said that he is going to tell someone about Jesus. I went to another gas station and I approach to a man. He was telling me that he helps young people and gets them off the streets. I proceed with the Gospel Script and he said the salvation prayer.

He wanted the Gospel Script so he can led his family and the young people. People are hungry and they’re grabbing a hold of what God is doing in their life and life of others. It’s so much fun to tell people about Jesus. -Nancy S

“Though she may forget (and it rarely happens as we’ve stated earlier) / will not forget you”.

Jeremy W. Testimony

Winter Camp Meeting week here at the River, what can I say? Wow! What an awesome experience to see people from all backgrounds and walks of life come together for the same purpose! To press into and hear from God the plan He has for us in this hour! What has been exciting to see is the teamwork, and the precision with which the team has worked together. I am beginning to realize even more phrases such as “there are no big I’s in the body of Christ”, or phrases such as “there are no islands in the body of Christ”.

We are part of each other! It is going to take the whole team in America and the world to do the job at hand! We must work together, and for the same purpose! The harvest is at hand, it will take everyone working together to fulfill this great task! Ephesians 4:16 now has new meaning. A joint is something that joins together, not separates! I am beginning to see how we must promote teamwork at all levels, from the pulpit ministries down to all others. I believe the current and future move of God in the earth will be in and through the people of God who have this attitude and who enforce it in their lives!

We cannot allow one member to suffer! We cannot allow one member to be weak! We must strengthen and encourage our brothers and sisters in Christ. If they are weak, so are we! If they suffer, so do we suffer also! Pastor Rodney has been teaching all week on the subject of the Anointing and I see more than ever the need for the increase in teamwork in order to be able to see an increase of the Anointing!  -Jeremy W.

But I want you to take your Bibles now and turn to Proverbs chapter 31. Proverbs 31 describes a mom and it will set the stage for the remainder of this study, of this lesson on mother love because we’re gonna find out that God has placed mother love in the hearts, in the lives of moms for a dynamic reason.

Terrance S. Testimony

I am wondering what is one word that I can use to describe the Great Awakening, and there are so many that come to heart – intense, momentum, just to name a few. This is just the beginning and as I have been coming to the services for these few days, I realize that God is doing something on the inside of me that I can’t yet describe or put into words. It’s exactly like trying to choose one word to describe the Great Awakening, I really don’t know what to tag it as but I do know just like the Great Awakening, speaking in terms of the meetings, that God is doing something on the inside that is not quite seen in the natural.

Night after night Pastor Rodney mentions that we don’t understand the magnitude of what is taking place in the mass audience of people that we don’t see in the sanctuary, but the anointing is going forth into people homes and destroying yokes, setting people free, healing, delivering, shaking, and awakening people to the things of God and mobilizing them to go get the end time harvest. Likewise that’s what I believe that is taking place on the inside of me, it seems like chaos and things are moving slow or maybe just not the way I think it should in the natural, but I keep being reminded of the scripture in Romans 8:28 “For we know that all things work together for good…” Yes it is like every meeting there is a download that is taking place that the effects of, which I can’t grasp now, will resound in the days to come.             – Terrance S.

Let’s read Proverbs 31 verse 25. Verse 25 says, “She is clothed with strength and dignity”. Well, who clothed her? God.

Shani G. Testimony

Every week, the revival meetings just keep getting better and better.   The phone ministry has truly touched my life.  You don’t know how many people are watching the meetings on CTN until you receive the calls. For every phone call we receive, there are 5,000 people watching. With an average of 500 phone calls a night, that means half a million people are watching nightly! Jesus is coming soon because when the whole world hears the gospel, the end shall come. This is an exciting time to be at The River Church! We are some much bigger than just Tampa, Florida.

We have people calling and watching from all over Europe and United States.  I had one call yesterday from a woman that was touched through the television. Pastor Rodney Howard-Browne prayed for all those dealing with depression to be set free. He made each person raise their right hand and when the woman raised her right hand, she started shaking. All of a sudden, she fell on the floor. When she got up off the floor, she said she felt like a weight came off her shoulders. There is such power through the airwaves. We all need to take advantage of the authority we have through Christ Jesus. This is about all nations coming together to serve one Lord and to add to the kingdom of heaven. This is not a church thing but a soul thing. Let’s all make it our goal to win souls for Jesus! –Shani G.

God’s the one that gives her this incredible mother love. Verse 25 says, “she can laugh at the days to come.

Eddie L. Testimony

First of all I want to say that I am amazed about the possibility to be in the middle of this great awakening. And even more knowing that this is going around not the world and only US.
I had a great expectation of what is going to happen but I have to admit that all what is happening in these night services goes beyond my expectations. I am so happy to see such a huge emphasis on sharing the gospel because that is important no matter what and it is so important to understand all those aspects of that.

Sometimes I have had some thoughts that I know all about saving the souls but I like that God makes humble by realizing how much it is about your heart and not what you know about it. It way more about your thirst and hunger for more of God and saved souls rather then something you can learn knowledge wise. To get this so personal to be as a passion and not a program. This statement is used so much but it is so important to get this as deep as possible in our hearts so we could get our lives around this.
At the same time God is speaking so lot of things about the things to change in my personality.

It is so amazing that the Ore you serve the more you can see what you have to change in your heart. Absolutely everything. Just to name few things my attitude, determination, dedication and serving in the flow. Sure there are even more but I found myself in a position to deal with these things at first. And I am so thankful that when you are ready to lay down everything at God’s feet He can really change your heart and everything you are dealing with. Hallelujah! Praised be the Lord!-Eddie L.

She speaks with wisdom (circle that phrase). She speaks with wisdom and faithful instruction is on her tongue.

The fire of God has increased in my life

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

It is in presented what God is doing with The Great Awakening Tour.  My heart for souls and a passion for souls has gone to another level.  The fire of God has increased in my life.  The prayer calls that I assist with most of the time I have seen people healed by the power of God and lives changed and transformed.  God is moving on the earth and there is a hunger for the things of God.  People are getting saved like popcorn, and there is fire spreading across this nation.  I feel that something big is about to happen and I heard and read about The Great Awakenings of the 1700’s, the 1800’s, and I believe that we are in the biggest Great Awakening ever in history.  God is pouring out His spirit on all flesh and I am so privileged and honored to be apart of it.  America needs a Great Awakening in this land.  Our fore-fathers fought for this land.  We need to fight to get this nation saved.  The gospel of Jesus Christ has been preached in this land daily and more people are getting saved now than ever before through modern technology and social networks such as facebook, twitter, and the internet.  We are taking advantage of this media to propagate the gospel of Jesus Christ.  This is the time and the hour to preach the gospel without any fear.  The fires of God bring boldness, and so I am very happy to be apart of what God is doing in this age.  This is demonstration time. –Gerard K.

She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness.

Rodney Howard Browne bringing Revival to America

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