Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.
From the beginning of the school I had been hungry for God and wanting the touch of the Holy Spirit and fire. When the meeting began on Sunday and I heard when pastor Rodney was sharing what was his vision (what God had told him) about this campmeeting- to get the people of God under the fire, those that are hungry and thirsty, I knew that this is it, something will happen during this week ! So I was expecting a touch from heaven and decided not to miss any of the services.
Each service was different. I was serving as an usher every other day in the afternoon meeting and I decided to serve with joy and excellence, as to the Lord. I have noticed that every now and then I have a battle against fear. For example, when going ushering the fear tried to come over me, saying “you are going to not do well, you will fail”. Then I heard in the class that “God has not given us a spirit of fear but the spirit of power, love and sound mind”. During the campmeeting, every time before I was serving, I just came against that spirit with the word of God and noticed that it really works ! I could serve with love, joy and peace without any fear.
It was one of the first night meetings when I decided to stay until the very end, and not leave the place without touch from God. It was a long meeting, but it did not feel like that. I went to prayer line at the end of the service and suddenly, way before the pastor was there, Holy Spirit came over me and I began to shake. After pastor had prayed for me, I was lying on the floor in the presence of God and receiving what He wanted to do. After a while, as suddenly it had begun, it ended and I felt deep peace and joy ! That was awesome !
Another night pastor was preaching about how God wants us to walk free from all appearance of evil and he mentioned alcohol as one thing. Before RBI, I could drink a beer or glass of wine, but when I got here, Holy Spirit talked to me the exactly same thing- when walking in the higher calling, there is no space for that anymore. Either I yield to Holy Spirit or the spirit of the world. The message that night was confirmation for this.
There are many other things that I got encouraged for, about the blessing of God, whatever I do, WILL prosper, in due season we shall reap if we don’t grow weary in doing good. As a summary, the whole campmeeting built my faith on God, being faithful where I am right now, and trusting God to make a way for me, step by step. It was so encouraging to hear pastor Rodney to share about the journey of his life. One thing that touched my heart was the man from Norway sharing what he had in his heart for Norway, what he said about Norway, is the cry of my heart for Finland.